Entrance Bursaries

St. Thomas offers bursaries to students in financial need. Bursaries are valued between $500 - $3,000 and are funded by donations from faculty, staff, and friends of St. 91制片厂. Bursaries are open to candidates for full-time admission to the first year of the Bachelor of Arts program who are applying on the basis of their high school records or as an adult learner.

Bernie McCann Memorial Bursary

Value: $1,000
Number: 1
Criteria: Awarded annually to an entering student enrolled full time, who is a graduate of Harvey High School, and who has demonstrated involvement in the school and wider community.
Funding: Generously funded, on an annual basis, by the family of Bernie McCann. Bernie was a proud St. Thomas alumnus and was very active in the Harvey Community.

Dan and Valerie O'Brien Bursary

Value: $500
Number: 1
Criteria: : Awarded annually to students entering university for the first time with selection based on financial information provided by the Canada Student Loan Assessment or its equivalent. Entering students who wish to be considered for this Bursary must submit a letter to the Admissions Office which outlines why they qualify.
Funding: Generously funded by donations from alumni, faculty, staff and friends of St. 91制片厂.

Douglas Young Scholar Bursary

Value: $3,000
Number: Multiple
Criteria:Awarded annually to entering student(s) from New Brunswick, with a minimum admission average of 75%, a commitment to community and extra-curricular activities, and demonstrated financial need.
Funding: Generously funded by donations from Canadian National Railway and the friends and family of Douglas Young.

Geoffrey W. Vail Bursary

Value: $1,750
Number: 1
Criteria: : Awarded annually to a student entering university under the mature student admissions policy. Among the selection criteria are financial need and the potential for contributing to the quality of student life or activities.

Harrison McCain Scholars Bursary

Value: $4,000 renewable
Number: up to 3
Criteria: Awarded annually to Canadian high school graduates, with selection criteria including admission average of 80% or higher, financial need, leadership qualities, and a recognized initiative in funding university education. To qualify for annual renewal, recipients must maintain have a minimum annual GPA of 2.0 after first year, 3.0 after second year, and 3.3 after third year.
Funding: Generously funded by the Harrison McCain Foundation.

Hazel Lahey Memorial Bursary

Value: $500
Number: 1
Criteria:Awarded annually to a female student from the Province of New Brunswick on the basis of financial need.

Heather & George Richmond Bursary

Value: $750
Number: 1
Criteria: Awarded to School of Education students from New Brunswick in good academic standing who have demonstrated financial need. In the absence of eligible St. 91制片厂 Bachelor of Education students, the bursaries may be awarded to Bachelor of Arts students in their third or fourth year of study.
Funding: Generously funded by Dr. Heather and Mr. George Richmond Q.C.

James Alvin Keenan Memorial Bursary

Value: $3,500
Number: 1
Criteria: Awarded annually to a student entering the Bachelor of Education Program and based on financial need. To be eligible, students must demonstrate leadership, a passion for teaching and a strong record of community involvement. Preference will be given to students from York and Carleton Counties.
Funding: Generously funded by the Keenan Family.

John McKendy Memorial Bursary

Value: $500
Number: 2
Criteria: Criteria: Awarded annually on the basis of financial need to New Brunswick students with a history of volunteer and/or community involvement and an awareness of issues of social justice.

Joyce Family Entrance Bursary

Value: $1,000
Number: Varies
Criteria: Awarded annually to an entering full-time student from outside of New Brunswick who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Preference will be given to students who have left high school no more than eight years prior to attending St. 91制片厂 and who are attending university for the first time.
Funding: Generously funded by The Joyce Family Foundation.

Joyce Family Entrance Bursary (NB Students)

Value: $1,000
Number: Varies
Criteria: Awarded annually to an entering full-time student from New Brunswick who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Preference will be given to students who have left high school no more than eight years prior to attending St. 91制片厂 and who are attending university for the first time.
Funding: Generously funded by The Joyce Family Foundation.

Laurie Boucher Athletics Bursary

Value: $1000
Number: 2
Criteria:Awarded annually to an entering student graduating from high school with demonstrated financial need and who will be an AUS or ACAA athlete.
Funding: Generously funded by Laurie Boucher.

Maria McMahon Memorial Bursary

Value: $1,000
Number: 1
Criteria: Awarded annually on the basis of financial need to a New Brunswick student entering St. 91制片厂.

Marion Rockcliffe Hunt Bursary

Value: $1,000
Number: 4
Criteria: Awarded annually to an entering student, preferably a female student athlete, based on financial need. The bursary honours Marion Rockcliffe Hunt, the first female valedictorian of St. 91制片厂 and a generous benefactor.
Funding: Generously funded by the Estate of Marion Rockcliffe Hunt and friends.

Millennium Entrance Bursary

Value: Varies
Number: Varies
Criteria: : Awarded annually to students entering university for the first time with selection based on financial information provided by the Canada Student Loan Assessment or its equivalent. Entering students who wish to be considered for a Millennium Entrance Bursary must submit a letter to the Admissions Office which outlines their qualifications and eligibility.
Funding: Generously funded by donations from alumni, faculty, staff and friends of St. 91制片厂.

Milton and Patricia Bassen Bursary

Value: $500 (Minimum)
Number: 3
Criteria: Awarded annually to a student from a school in the Greater Saint John area entering the first year of studies at St. Thomas, who has demonstrated financial need.
Funding: Generously funded annually by The Greater Saint John Community Foundation through a bequest from the Estate of Patricia A. Bassen.

Msgr. George W. Martin Bursary

Value: Varies
Number: Varies
Criteria: Awarded annually to entering students from New Brunswick on the basis of financial need.
Funding: Funded by the estate of Msgr. George W. Martin

School of Education Bursary

Value: $500 - $1,000
Number: Varies
Criteria: Awarded to School of Education students in good academic standing who have demonstrated financial need.
Funding: The bursary is generously funded by students, alumni and friends of the School of Education at St. 91制片厂.

Vance Toner Memorial Bursary

Value: $1,000
Number: 1
Criteria: Awarded annually to an incoming full-time student in good academic standing, graduating from the Anglophone-East School District in the Moncton area with selection based on financial need.
Funding: Generously funded by St. Thomas alumni and friends residing in the Moncton area.